Hack The Box (Grandpa/Granny)
By: Nicholas Werner
Even though Grandpa and Granny are different machines you can solve them both in a similar manner so that’s why I have grouped them together.
Starting off with nmap scans.
Looks like I do not have system access and I cannot use getsystem to escalate privileges.
I use ps to show the services running and then I try to migrate to the first service that I can and it works.
Since we are still do not have system access we want to background our session and try to use suggester to find a post exploit.
I have a few options that I could try so I go down the list and start with the first one.
Looks like I have system access so I should be able to find the flags now.
Looks like I am able to get the root flag.
Looks like I found the user flag.